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Can Neuropathy be Reversed?

To understand if neuropathy can be reversed, let's first look at what neuropathy is and how it is impacting your body and health. 

What is neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is caused by damages to the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is what is sends messages to and from the spinal cord and brain, to the rest of the body. When the PNS suffers damage, it sends mixed signals to the central nervous system, causing the painful symptoms of neuropathy and disorientating your body - making balancing and walking difficult.

shutterstock_1041989587There are over 100 different causes of neuropathy including:

  • Diabetes
  • Chemotherapy & Radiation
  • Trauma Induced
  • Post - surgical
  • Medications
  • Poor Nutrition
  • and so much more...


How to reverse neuropathy 

The first step to reversing neuropathy is to begin making lifestyle changes.   

Nutrition for Neuropathy

70% of your health is dependent on nutrition.

Implementing nutritional changes alone can make a great impact on your health. Start by reducing the inflammation in your daily nutritional intake. For more on this, check out my YouTube playlist on Everything Nutrition

Exercise for Neuropathy

Another lifestyle change to implement is getting regular exercise. No matter where you are in your health journey, getting regular exercise is essential.  

Exercise helps: 

  • Lower blood pressure 
  • Lower chances of heart disease 
  • Reduce stress and anxiety 
  • Improve sleep 
  • Help regulate blood sugar 
  • And so much more! 

Even if you have the limited mobility, difficulty balancing, and other debilitating symptoms of neuropathy - you can still exercise!


It can be as simple as standing for 30 seconds (with good posture) for every 30 minutes you are sitting.

For more on the importance of this, watch my video on “Sitting Kills, Standing Heals”.   




YES! You can reverse neuropathy.  

No matter where you are in Your Journey to Neuropathy Relief, there are steps that you can take to reduce the inflammation in your body, reduce the painful symptoms of neuropathy and improve your overall quality of life.  

Are you ready to go beyond nutrition and exercise to reverse your neuropathy?

Schedule your Neuropathy Relief Call with my team of experts. 

Schedule Neuropathy Relief Call