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4 ways to naturally improve Energy levels

Written by Karen May, DC, CCSP, CCIP | Apr 8, 2022 3:33:53 PM

Where does energy come from?

Are you low energy and tried drinks with caffeine and B vitamins to help give you that pep?

Do you need that afternoon boost that is needed from those or other energy drinks to keep you going and focused?

If that is you, you might need to go beyond the quick fixes and dive in a little deeper. Ever heard of Mitochondria? Let's introduce you to the tiny little organ in your body that is responsible for making energy!

Mitochondria organelles are found in nearly every human cell, with the exception of the blood cell. The main function of the mitochondria is to take the foods that we consume and turn it into energy for the human body. This is what makes mitochondrial health so imperative to natural energy within our cells. 

How do you improve Energy levels?

1. Eat for energy

There are many natural ways to improve your energy levels. Remember, our energy comes from the foods that we eat! So by feeding your cells high quality, non inflammatory foods, you can start to slowly improve your cellular health and your energy levels. Consider increasing the healthy fats in your lifestyle, and minimizing your intake of overly processed and sugary foods. 

2. Reduce stress levels

Stress is a major drain on the body and consumes excessive amounts of energy. By minimizing your stress levels, you give your body more energy for things you love. Here are few easy activities that can help reduce your stress levels and improve your energy:

  • Meditation and Prayer: Natural stress relief meditation and mindfulness-based stress reduction are types of simple mental techniques that can be practiced for just minutes a day to bring about mindfulness and reduce stress or anxiety. If you’re new to meditation, just focus on being still and calming your thoughts. Prayer can also help with that and has been found to be highly beneficial in stress reduction. 
  • Tai Chi: The elderly in Asian countries use Tai Chi for stress reduction, slow purposeful exercise, and balance! Tai Chi incorporates motion and mindfulness, with guided deep breathing incorporated into many classes, whether you attend in person, online, or by watching a DVD - there are levels for everyone, of all ages. 
  • Exercise- that you enjoy! Find something that you can do to get up and move. It may mean taking it slow and easy, so you feel safe and secure, but rest assured the more you try the easier it gets. Start by walking around your home or your driveway, then work your way up to a beautiful park. Go for a bike ride with a friend, or find a fun class at the Y or your local senior center that makes exercising fun (Chair exercises and Tai Chi are great starter classes, work your way up to a dance class is always a hit!)
  • Practice self-care: Take a hot bath with Epsom salts and essential oils, treat yourself to a pedicure, spend some time in a sauna, write in your journal, or do a devotional. Listen to your body and give it some love.

3. Get quality sleep

Studies show that sleep is when the body heals and repairs itself, including on a cellular level. This makes getting quality sleep imperative for improving cellular health and your energy levels. 

In the beginning of the COVID pandemic, I made a series of videos on Defeating Default Patterns. One of the most popular videos from that series is my video on quality sleep, and how to obtain it. If you are interested in improving your energy levels naturally, I urge you to watch this video and learn what steps you can start taking to improve your sleep. 


In case you don't have time to watch the full video, here are a few highlights: 

  • Create a darker & cooler environment for bed 
  • Have a consistent bedtime routine 
  • Make sure your electronic devices are shut off - remember blue lights can stop your brain from shutting down

4. Quality Supplements


Mito-detox III - biospec Nutritionals


Mito-Detox is a special blend of herbs and nutrients, designed to clean out the powerhouse of every cell and enhance cellular energy production. This supplement also helps reduce fatigue and muscle soreness. 



ubiquinol - Protocol for life balance

Ubiquinol is a form of CoQ10 that is 3x stronger and more bioavailable than regular CoQ10. CoQ10 is naturally produced in the body and plays a central role in cellular energy production. 

Studies have also shown Ubiquinol to support normal cardiovascular and neuronal functions. 


truadapt plus - ortho molecular products
If your adrenal glands are on overdrive because of stress, energy goes down. This formula is designed to be short term to nourish your adrenal glands to help them function appropriately during times of prolonged stress. Use for one bottle and then focus on the factors causing your stress and using food as medicine.



Final Thoughts 

Like with any recommendation- Please make certain it is right for you and follow the instructions on the bottle and read any caution warnings that may apply to you especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Visit my FullScript Dispensary to view all of these products and more by clicking the button below!